Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Power tool battery listed capacity vs reality!

Well as I posted earlier, the stuff hit the fan.

Two complete orders of 18650 Li-Ion cells came in and in test they produced less than 20% of advertised.

After a lengthy one sided conversation with the supplier the decision was made to file a case against them to recoup part of my investment.

The moral to this story is, DO NOT buy rebuilding cells based on advertised capacity.

I see that Honda is being sued for false advertising on fuel mileage on some of their hybrid cars. I support the lady who has the ambition to challenge an age old  farce. Good luck to her.

I am to old and tired to take on the world market but love to share with those that are interested the facts of Truth in Advertising.

I did win my case but the rewards will be slim and the system will not change. Oh well, I try.

We just have to hang in there.

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